Our Services

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We provide services to companies globally to solve the most challenging staffing needs

Greenlight Professional Services is a full service
technical professional services firm that offers its
clients unique, best of class service solutions.

Combining two divisions, Greenlight Professional Services encom-
passes the full spectrum of Engineering and IT Professionals.
Greenlight TC, a division of Greenlight Professional Services, special-
izes in Information Technology, Software and Hardware Engineering
professionals. Greenlight PS, specializes in Mechanical Engineering,
Manufacturing and CAD professionals.

Service Offerings: Staff Augmentation   |   Direct Placement   |   Offshore

Staff Augmentation

We offer our clients diversified technology professionals on an individual contract basis for both short term and long term projects. Because contract consulting is billed hourly, clients are able to choose a specialist with specific project expertise with no permanent overhead liability. The advantage to you? Maximum staffing and budget control.

By working closely with clients, Greenlight finds the best qualified individuals who match your corporate culture and requirement. We're not about "plucking" names from a database. We work to make the human connection enhance the business productivity.

One of our greatest advantages is our ability to attract and retain highly qualified technical professionals. We assess each candidate's abilities, strengths and weaknesses prior to making a placement recommendation.

Ensuring a good match between client and candidate perpetuates long term success!!

Direct Placement

For permanent staffing needs, we are able to continually source top level talent for our global client base. We maintain a proprietary database that is cultivated through networking, referrals and contact with passive job seekers. The strength of this unprecedented approach offers Greenlight the ability to tap into a section of the market that no other recruitment agency is able to match.


Greenlight has several strategic relationships with Outsourcing companies to offer services offshore. Our offshore partner is CMMi Level 5 Certified.

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